Programming audio systems in C++ that realize design concepts, interface with the Wwise SDK, intuitively integrate into UE4 blueprints, and dynamically interact with gameplay events. I diligently maintain UE4 and Wwise assets by structuring data-tables and centralizing them in C++ maps when possible. Some of the systems I'm responsible for designing and maintaining include:
The music manager staying informed of and relaying game state changes, character proximity, and gameplay intensity (unique to the music system) to the Wwise API for a rich, dynamic music playback experience.
An Entity-Component-System (ECS) that dynamically spawns and destroys components based on the listener’s distance. This optimizes performance by calculating obstruction and occlusion only on un-attenuated sounds.
The voice-over system enables and prioritizes gameplay voice-over and story banter. Banter dialogue is monitored for intelligibility by interpreting the emitter–listener’s distance, obstruction, and occlusion and switches to a radio mode when design criterion is met.
Record (SFX & VO), design, compose (MX), and implement audio assets using DSP, Nuendo, RX6, UE4 and Wwise.
Create and manage UE4 and Wwise audio assets including the hierarchy, events, sound banks, states, switches, triggers, attenuations, conversion sets, mixing, and ducking.
Composed music and stingers for different game modes and their sub-states. Designed their transition behavior in Wwise.
Created UE4 blueprints to post audio events that optimized RPC calls (server, client & multicast).